Advantages of Remote Therapy

On-line, or 'virtual' therapy has all the advantages of face-2-face (f2f) therapy, without the inconvenience and expense of having to travel to a counsellor's office. This means that you can log in to your therapy session from the comfort of your own private space, wherever you may be, using your personal computer, mobile phone, tablet or any other Internet-connected device. No crowded tube or train travel. No rush to arrive on time due to unexpected travel issues. No need to search for parking.

The way on-line therapy works is very similar to f2f therapy in that your virtual session is a time for you to explore your concerns with a professional therapist, working together to make sense of the complexities of psychological and personal distress. The therapeutic relationship is the same on-line as it is in a self-contained room without any concerns about safety around health as was the case during the Covid-19 global pandemic.

Beginning your on-line session is easy and convenient, only requiring you to log in to your agreed platform or, in the case of WhatsApp of FaceTime, to respond to the WhatsApp call at the agreed appointment time.

Virtual therapy does require making an appointment in advance. It is therefore not an appropriate choice if you are currently in crisis, or feeling suicidal and need immediate care. In this case you should seek help from Emergency Services. Alternatively, you can search the Internet to find up-to-date contact details for organisations such as MIND or the Samaritans.